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When I read a great book, I don't go on to the next great book, I want to know what else the author has to offer. I read a lot of series and I believe it takes a great author to grow a series. It's not uncommon that once I find such an author, I will read everything they've written. Sometimes the series goes on past it's peak, but you won't find that to be an issue with my recommendations. These are the best of the best, in my book ;-)

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Julie Ortolon on Galveston Island

In September 2012, I was waiting for book 7 in Marie Force's Gansett Island series and landed on Julie Ortolon's Pearl Island. What a fun surprise it was to read her Pearl Island series. She's a Texas girl like me and the series takes place off the coast of Galveston Island. That may seem odd to anyone familiar with Galveston, but Pearl Island is a fictional island and you have to go Galveston Island to get to it. It's was quite an adventure and such a fun experience to read about an area that I'm so familiar with. The first book in the series is 'Falling For You' followed by 'Lead Me On', 'Don't Tempt Me' and 'Lie To Me'

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