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When I read a great book, I don't go on to the next great book, I want to know what else the author has to offer. I read a lot of series and I believe it takes a great author to grow a series. It's not uncommon that once I find such an author, I will read everything they've written. Sometimes the series goes on past it's peak, but you won't find that to be an issue with my recommendations. These are the best of the best, in my book ;-)

Friday, April 1, 2016

Mary Alice Monroe, Whoa!

After devouring all of Elin Hilderbrand's books through mid-July, 2012, I read a book by Marie Alice Monroe called The Beach House and became obsessed with Sea Turtles and South Carolina, lol. It was soooo good. It was excited to discover it was a part of a trilogy, including Swimming Lessons and Beach House Memories and only spent two days on each one. In 2013, 2014 and 2015 she came out with her Lowcountry series and knocked it out of the park again! The first book in the series was The Summer Girls followed by The Summer Wind and The Summers End. I'm looking forward to the fourth book in the series being released on May 3, 2016 - A Lowcountry Wedding. She also has ten stand alone novels and a couple of children's books. I've only read Time Is A River and The Four Seasons. I have every intention of getting back to the others, but the experiences I was having with series books quickly turned them into a preference.
Click here for all of Marie Alice Monroe's books

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