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When I read a great book, I don't go on to the next great book, I want to know what else the author has to offer. I read a lot of series and I believe it takes a great author to grow a series. It's not uncommon that once I find such an author, I will read everything they've written. Sometimes the series goes on past it's peak, but you won't find that to be an issue with my recommendations. These are the best of the best, in my book ;-)

Friday, April 15, 2016

Robyn Carr rattles my heart in Thunder Point

"When driving the Oregon coast, if you blink you’ll miss Thunder Point, a small, ordinary town at the base of towering cliffs, tucked into the curve of a picturesque bay. A long, peaceful beach, a little marina filled mostly with fishing boats, the bay peppered with tall, haystack rocks, the crashing, frothing Pacific Ocean. And the finest people you could ever hope to meet, people who open their hearts—and fall in love." - Robyn Carr
Click here to see all of the Thunder Point books!

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