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When I read a great book, I don't go on to the next great book, I want to know what else the author has to offer. I read a lot of series and I believe it takes a great author to grow a series. It's not uncommon that once I find such an author, I will read everything they've written. Sometimes the series goes on past it's peak, but you won't find that to be an issue with my recommendations. These are the best of the best, in my book ;-)

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Roxanne St. Claire takes you away to Barefoot Bay!

In August 2013 I found myself in Florida on Roxanne St. Claire's Barefoot Bay. I love the concept of this series. Better yet, it now has three spin-off series. The original Barefoot Bay quartet starts with Barefoot In The Sand.
The first spin-off series is the Barefoot Bay Billionaires trilogy followed by the Barefoot Bay Brides trilogy and the Barefoot Bay Undercover trilogy! I have thoroughly enjoyed every book in every one of these series.
I recommend reading all of these in order.

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